Carol Stern, the wife of the late Gary Stern, and author David Black, join us to speak on the subject of medical malpractice and living misdiagnosed. David Black is the author of Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed, Gary and Carol Stern’s Epic Fight Against Malpractice in the American Health Care System. Carol reveals how she met Gary Stern and speaks about Gary’s background with medical problems. Tune in as we talk about the biggest misconceptions around medical malpractice and what seniors can do to avoid these life-threatening mistakes.
In This Episode:
- [04:00] Carol Stern explains how she met Gary Stern. Then, Carol speaks about Gary’s background with medical problems.
- [08:05] How being misdiagnosed can lead to serious health complications and eventually death.
- [15:20] Author David Black discusses how he got involved with Carol and Gary’s story.
- [19:30] The lack of medical ethics education is scary for seniors who are under hospital care.
- [24:20] Carol reveals the biggest misconceptions seniors have about medical malpractice.
- [29:50] All about Carol’s charity and how she wants to help the senior community.
Key Takeaways:
- We need to change America’s healthcare system, and take power out of the insurance company’s hands.
- Insurance companies should not be able to deny patients proper medications or proper testing.
- There should be a universal medical history system. An ER doctor should be able to pull up your records no matter what state you’re in.
Meet Carol Stern
Carol Stern is the wife of Gary Stern, the subject of Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed, a true story of one of the largest medical malpractice awards in U.S. history. This real-life account of how a husband and wife’s love was tested during the darkest of times. It pulls back the curtain in detail what it is like to suffer due to doctors’ mistakes and their refusal to admit they made them. Carol recounts in honest detail how her husband Gary spent three years with his internal organs on the outside of his body. More importantly, Carol reveals how she stopped at nothing to make sure Gary was under the best possible care at all times, even if that meant taking things into her own hands.