Tune in as Dr. Sugar explains the importance of joint tenancy and the reason why seniors should not be making visits to banks, credit unions, and/or brokerages. Meet Dr. Sam Sugar Sam J. Sugar, MD, is a Board-Certified Specialist in Internal Medicine and Founder and President of Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianship (AAAPG), a 501c3 […]
Tag: guardianship
The Best Way to Avoid Being Placed Under Guardianship with Dr. Sam Sugar
In today’s episode, Dr. Sam Sugar joins us, he is a Board-Certified Specialist in Internal Medicine and Founder and President of Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianship (AAAPG). Listen now as he shares some important tidbits and nuggets to help Seniors avoid the ever-increasing threat of winding up in a guardianship during their lifetime. Meet Dr. […]
How to Prevent Guardianships with Dr. Sam Sugar
Today, we have Dr. Sam Sugar back for a second time. Dr. Sugar is a Board-Certified Specialist in Internal Medicine and Founder and President of Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianship (AAAPG). He is here to give some critical information on how seniors can avoid the ever-increasing threat of winding up with guardianship during their lifetime. […]
Aging Population: Bad Things That Unscrupulous Guardians Do with Billie Mintz
Billie Mintz, founder of INNOV8R, is an award-winning filmmaker who exposed the professional guardianship industry’s filthiness in his film, The Guardians. Tune in as Billie tells us petrifying stories about abusive probate guardianship. Meet Billie Mintz Billie Mintz, founder of INNOV8R, is an award-winning filmmaker who has produced and directed seven feature-length documentaries and several […]
Aging Population: What is an Abusive Guardianship with Billie Mintz
A guardianship is a legal relationship created when a court appoints an individual to care for an elderly person. On this episode, Billie Mintz explains how it can be a horrifying situation when the guardian takes advantage of stealing every single financial asset that the older adult owns. Meet Billie Mintz Billie Mintz, founder of […]