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Lawyer Blog: Baltimore, MD

Legionnaire’s Disease: What Is It?

Legionnaires’ disease is a severe lung infection caused by Legionella bacteria, which spread through contaminated water. Identified in 1976, it is contracted by inhaling bacteria-laden water droplets, often from cooling towers, plumbing systems, or hot tubs.

Legionnaire’s disease acts like pneumonia. People who are infected usually experience a high fever, chills, and a cough. Some patients have muscle aches and headaches as well. A chest X-ray can confirm whether or not you have pneumonia, while lab tests see whether the bacteria that causes Legionnaire’s disease is present in your body. Legionnaire’s disease is serious: up to 30 percent of patients who have it suffer permanent injury or death. The disease is more likely to kill children and elderly patients but anyone can become a victim.

Since the symptoms of Legionnaire’s disease usually don’t appear for at least two days after you catch the bacteria, figuring out where you got sick can be difficult. Legionella bacteria prefers warm water, like that in hot water tanks and large plumbing systems. This makes places like hospitals and nursing homes prime habitat for Legionella bacteria.

If you or a loved one caught Legionnaire’s disease and you suspect the negligent upkeep of a water system is to blame, please contact the Law Offices of Steven H. Heisler, “The Injury Lawyer.” We will review you case carefully and help you win compensation from anyone whose negligence caused your injury. Call skilled Legionnaire’s disease attorney Steven H. Heisler today at 877-228-4878 for a free consultation.