For the second time in the last 22 months, evidence of the deadly legionella bacteria has been reported at Maryland General Hospital.
Officials at Maryland General report that the virus was discovered on January 5th, 2009 in the shower area during routine testing of the Baltimore hospital’s water supply. While patients and staff members are being advised to drink bottled water and access to the showers are restricted, there are no reports of anyone becoming infected.
Legionnaire’s disease affects between 10,000 to 50,000 Americans every year. The disease kills between five and 30 percent of those who contract it.
Patients contact Legionnaire’s disease when they inhale vapor or mist that has bacterial contamination. It cannot be transmitted from person to person. The disease often occurs in hospitals, cruise ships and air conditioned hotels where bathtubs, whirlpool spas and hot tubs, humidifiers and plumbing systems become contaminated. Contact a Maryland Legionnaire’s Disease Lawyer if you believe you’ve been infected.
Symptoms of Legionnaire’s disease include cough, chills and high fever. Victims are usually diagnosed with pneumonia. If you suspect you may have contacted Legionnaire’s disease insist that you be given a urine test and tested specifically for the disease. Once diagnosed, patients are treated with heavy doses of antibiotics. Call a Baltimore Legionnaire’s Disease Attorney to get more information.