If you’re involved in a Baltimore Automobile Accident, do everything in your power to prevent your vehicle from being towed to the Baltimore City Yard. The Baltimore City Yard, on Pulaski Highway, has a reputation of not exactly safeguarding the vehicles towed to its premises.I have personally watched several local Baltimore TV News investigative reports in the past detailing how vehicles brought to the City Yard have been vandalized.
Is this still a problem in 2008? I don’t know but do you really want to take the chance?
My advice applies to not only Baltimore City car accidents but to all Maryland auto accidents. Don’t trust bureaucrats to protect your vehicle.
I understand that there are plenty of times when a Maryland Car Accident victim has no choice as to where their automobile is towed.
All I’m saying is that you need to do everything in your power to have your vehicle towed to your own body shop. If that’s not an option, be sure to empty all of your valuables (money, CDs, garage remote control) from your car before it’s towed away.
Better safe than sorry!