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Lawyer Blog: Baltimore, MD

Michelle PW

Podcast Blogs

In this episode, Susan and Michelle discuss:

  • Feeling and listening to your emotions.
  • Acknowledge your emotions and breathe through them to find peace.
  • Absorbing your emotions from your parents or those around you, being an Empath.
  • Coaching entrepreneurs with the development, marketing, and publishing of their books.


Key Takeaways:

  • Michelle can help shape, build, and birth your book so it’s not inside you gathering dust.
  • Don’t get to the end of your life and realize you didn’t fulfill your goals, write your book.
  • Don’t wait for life to come knock you down. Listen to that inner voice and make the changes you need to make to fulfill your goals and dreams.


“Worrying is distracting us from feeling our fear.” —  Michelle PW

Connect with Michelle PW:

Website: Love Based
               Love Based 


Connect with Susan Kennard:

Twitter: @susankennard
Facebook: Susan Kennard – Expand Your Consciousness, Sparkle to Success
LinkedIn: Susan Kennard

Reach out to find the program for you!


Show notes by Podcastologist: Kristen Braun


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.